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Query: [name]Amazon    12 Results

Miscellaneous Computer Games

Lost in the Amazon (Adventure Workshop, The) (ZX Spectrum)
Lost in the Amazon
Amazon: Guardians of Eden (Access) (IBM PC)
Amazon: Guardians of Eden
Flight of the Amazon Queen (Valuesoft) (IBM PC) (UK Version)
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Flight of the Amazon Queen (Warner Interactive Entertainment) (Amiga) (UK Version)
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Flight of the Amazon Queen (WarnerActive) (IBM PC) (US Version)
Flight of the Amazon Queen

Penguin / Polarware

Expedition Amazon (Apple II)
Expedition Amazon
Expedition Amazon (C64)
Expedition Amazon
Expedition Amazon (Starcraft) (Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8) (Japanese Version)
Expedition AmazonRecently changed/added

Spinnaker / Windham / Telarium / Trillium

Amazon (Boxed) (Telarium) (Apple II) (Contains Hint Sheet)
Amazon (Folio) (Telarium) (C64)
Amazon (Audiogenic) (Atari ST)
Amazon (Trillium) (C64)
12 records returned
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