Museum of Computer Adventure Game History
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The Adventure & Strategy Club

Adventure & Strategy Club, The, May. 1994 (#27)PDF
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, May. 1994 (#27)
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Jul. 1994 (#28)PDF
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Jul. 1994 (#28)
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Sep. 1994 (#29)PDF
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Sep. 1994 (#29)
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Nov. 1994 (#30)PDF
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Nov. 1994 (#30)

Avalon Hill

Darkhorn: Realm of the Warlords (C64/Apple II)
Darkhorn: Realm of the Warlords
Empire of the Overmind (Atari 400/800/Apple II/TRS-80) (Cassette Version)
Empire of the Overmind
Empire of the Overmind (Apple II) (Disk Version)
Empire of the Overmind
Fortress of the Witch King (C64)
Fortress of the Witch King
G.F.S. Sorceress (Apple II/Atari 400/800/TRS-80)
G.F.S. Sorceress
Legends of the Lost Realm (Macintosh)
Legends of the Lost RealmItem Not Available
Legends of the Lost Realm II: Wilderlands (Macintosh)
Legends of the Lost Realm II: WilderlandsItem Not Available
Lords of Karma (Commodore PET/Apple II/TRS-80)
Lords of Karma
MacBeth (C64)
Maxwell Manor (C64/Atari 400/800) (Contains Hint Book)
Maxwell Manor
Police Blotter (Apple II)
Police Blotter
Ripper! (C64) (Contains Clues)
Telengard (C64)
Ripper (Eclipse) (C64)
Telengard (Eclipse) (C64)
Fortress of the Witch King (Filcom Computer Soft) (PC-8801)
Fortress of the Witch King

Ahoy! Magazine

Ahoy! April 1986 (#28) (disk only) (C64)
Ahoy! April 1986 (#28)
Ahoy! July 1986 (#31)
Ahoy! July 1986 (#31)
Ahoy! August 1986 (#32)
Ahoy! August 1986 (#32)
Ahoy! September 1986 (#33)
Ahoy! September 1986 (#33)
Ahoy! October 1986 (#34)
Ahoy! October 1986 (#34)
5816 records returned
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