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Query: [system]BBC Model B    177 Results

Miscellaneous Computer Games

Wizard's Revenge, The (Sherston Software) (BBC Model B)
Wizard's Revenge, The
Bored of the Rings (Silversoft) (BBC Model B)
Bored of the Rings
French on the Run! (Silversoft) (BBC Model B/Acorn Electron)
French on the Run!
Eye of Zolton, The (Softek) (BBC Model B/Acorn Electron)
Eye of Zolton, The
Five Stones of Anadon (Softek) (BBC Model B/Acorn Electron)
Five Stones of Anadon
Legion (Software Projects) (BBC Model B)
Colditz Adventure (Superior Software) (BBC Model B)
Colditz Adventure
Gideon's Gamble (Superior Software) (BBC Model B)
Gideon's Gamble
Lost City (Superior Software) (BBC Model B)
Lost City
Quest (Superior Software) (BBC Model B/Acorn Electron) (Cassette Version)
Quest (Alternate Packaging) (Superior Software) (BBC Model B/Acorn Electron) (Cassette Version)
Quest (Superior Software) (BBC Model B) (Disk Version)
Ravenskull (Superior Software) (BBC Model B) (Cassette Version) (Contains Poster)
Ravenskull (Superior Software) (BBC Model B) (Disk Version)
French on the Run! (Swift Software) (BBC Model B/Acorn Electron)
French on the Run!
Oxbridge (Tynesoft) (BBC Model B/Acorn Electron)
Sea Adventure (Virgin Games) (BBC Model B)
Sea Adventure
Space Adventure (Virgin Games) (BBC Model B)
Space Adventure
Star Trek Adventure (Superior Software) (BBC Model B)
Star Trek Adventure
Sabre Wulf (Ultimate Play the Game) (BBC Model B)
Sabre Wulf

Mysterious Adventures

Mysterious Adventures 1: The Golden Baton (BBC Model B)
Mysterious Adventures 1: The Golden Baton
Mysterious Adventures 2: The Time Machine (BBC Model B)
Mysterious Adventures 2: The Time Machine
Mysterious Adventures 3: Arrow of Death Part 1 (BBC Model B)
Mysterious Adventures 3: Arrow of Death Part 1
Mysterious Adventures 4: Escape from Pulsar 7 (BBC Model B)
Mysterious Adventures 4: Escape from Pulsar 7
Mysterious Adventures 6: Circus (BBC Model B)
Mysterious Adventures 6: Circus
177 records returned
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