Published by: Platypus Softwares | For: Commodore PET | Links: L M C |
I can also attest to its rareness! I don't recall assembling more than 50 in total, but do remember completing the first run of 20 units. It took about 30 minutes each to record a copy on both sides of the cassette, type labels, stamp "serial numbers", and package. The code was updated occasionally to address feedback, usually for compatibility with different PET variants (and to fix a spelling error).
You have done a beautiful job presenting and archiving pictures of each product component. The sturdy game instruction and cover display pages were designed to fold together while bowing outward to make room to enclose the cassette tape and fit inside a simple taped plastic bag "packaging". After I hand typed and stenciled the originals, I believe only 200 copies of each page were printed (most are long since discarded).
The game was my "grand masterpiece" at the time (filling the memory on larger 32K PETs) and took about a year to write. I recall constantly hacking to squeeze in more code for animations and ideas. The source reflects that battle (and the messy software skills of a still-learning 13 year old!) It was my father who proudly helped me share the game to the "world" (viz. local computer shop) through his Platypus Software entity. The instructions also promoted his Semi-Conductor soundboard hardware sold separately through his Renaissance Technology company.
It was a fun game to play (and develop). I rescued the code from my aging tapes and floppies this past year, and may release it for an emulator someday. It is rewarding to know that your site keeps it living on somewhere outside my garage and childhood. Thanks for being a keeper of the past!
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