In the beginning Will Crowther created the Colossal Cave. And He saw that it was good. And others saw that it was good too, and so created copy after copy, making it one of the most re-implemented games of all time. There is no doubt that this is the game which launched an entire genre for decades to come. The origins of the modern RPG are a little more uncertain, although many quote DND as one of the original dungeon crawls. Rogue, Moria, Oubliette, Hack and various other mainframe incarnations existed as well, all with very similar play. This section of the museum focuses on those games which are loosely based on these progenitor games, or are recreations of them. However it includes mostly very rare or little known ones - the more popular ones such as Zork or Telengard are found in other sections of the museum. Most items in this gallery date from 1978-1981 and are exceedingly rare, though some are later and included for completeness. |
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Early RPGs Colossal Cave Clones Other Early GamesYou are visitor since July 7, 2001 | Last updated December 03, 2024 | 23254 images of 5812 items |